Vegetarian Food Pyramid

I just read this article and realized that it’s a shame that the traditional food pyramid is still being backed, and it’s not because it is a healthier reference for diet, but because the USDA and other federal organizations are so infiltrated with former agriculture representatives (from the cattle, dairy and poultry industries).  This is NOT a reason to endorse a dietary reference chart.  The new vegetarian-alternative chart, The Power Plate, shows how not only is it a meat/dairy-free option, but it IS healthier, especially considering that obesity and other health problems run rampant through the United States.

Check it out…,0,6397356.story

This is a link for the Power Plate…

True Must-See Movies

Everyone has their favorite movies that they consider “classics”, but some movies may convey a certain message or hold significance that make you feel that everyone MUST see this movie.  I feel there are really good movies out there that I really enjoyed, like Avatar, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Silence of the Lambs, Big Daddy, Transformers, Se7en, Bruce Almighty, Lord of the Rings…I could go on and on (and most-likely haven’t mentioned my favorites).  But, there is a difference between a good movie and a movie that you just feel so strongly about that you have to share it.  Movies that leave you thinking or leave you motivated to do something, those are the movies I’m talking about.

American Beauty Poster

I will list a few and you can add some that you feel are “Must-See Movies”…

Ok, now it’s your turn to add some and feel free to add commentary on my choices!