Are you rude?

Many people are busy and I know at times we have so much going on in our heads that we forget common courtesy, however, we always notice if we do not receive a “thank you” or acknowledgment when we do something for someone else.  When someone lets you in front of them while driving or picks up something you dropped, the nicest response is a simple “Thank you!” and if for some reason you are just too busy for that, a polite nod of the head could suffice.

The reason I bring this topic up is because I have held the door at work for a man twice now and neither time he has said “thank you”.  I understand being distracted, once.  Having this happen twice (several weeks apart) is just unacceptable.  And if I hadn’t held it for at least 10 seconds or more, then it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but I had to actually stand there and wait for him, yet he still neglected to utter those two simple words.

I think saying nice things like “thank you” or “you look nice today” or “have a good day” not only make the person to whom you are saying them feel good that you acknowledged them, but it may make you feel good too!

“The birds will eat it.”

When I was little girl, I was told never to litter.  Whenever we had something unwanted in the car, we either put it in the garbage bag or if it was food, sometimes we would throw it out the window.  My mom would say “the birds will eat it” if it was something like a cracker or apple.  Gum was garbage, because birds/animals wouldn’t eat it and of course anything else that was inedible was garbage.  So, my thoughts are that if the wildlife can’t eat it, it shouldn’t be thrown out the car window.

Considering this, and the fact that I consider myself environmentally concerned, it bothers me a lot when I see people throwing trash out the car window.  Usually it is the occasional jerk that doesn’t care and throws a candy wrapper out or a receipt.  But there is one thing I see almost daily and that is people throwing cigarettes out the car window.  They flick them out (almost always lit) as if it’s not littering.  Do birds eat cigarettes?  Do they not count as litter?

Raising Assholes

Ok, so I know the title is kind of crass maybe, but it really is appropriate.  I’m not really sure if what I’ve been doing is blogging…it seems like I’m just going on mini-rants about stuff that annoys me, but here’s another one…

So I took my daughter to her dance class (very basic 3-5yr old dance) and a woman  was there waiting for her daughter to finish the class before ours.  She gave her daughter her cell phone to play with (she looked about 3 or 4) and then once she was all packed up, she took it back and put it in her purse.  The little girl then said “I want it!” (really, she demanded it).  The mother then said “I’ll give it to you when we get in the car”.  She also had an 11 week old son in a baby seat to carry.  The little girl sat on the chair and said “NO! I want it NOW!” and continued to demand the phone.

Now, I understand toddlers get cranky and try to test limits, BUT the mother then said again “I’ll give it to you when we get in the car”.  I could not believe my ears.  I know some people don’t like correcting or disciplining their children in front of others, so maybe she was waiting to yell at her until they got in the car, but still, she allowed the girl to act like a completely spoiled brat.  I have never nor will I ever allow my daughter to speak to me like that while we’re alone, let alone in public!  I like the “Counting” strategy and it has worked very well, so now I rarely get to 2 and never even get to 3 before my daughter listens.  I’m not saying that I’m a perfect parent, but I have remained consistent and firm, but don’t use physical punishment, so it is possible to raise well-behaved children that don’t fear you.

I guess the point of this article is that after seeing how some parents just have no clue how to raise children and have to resort to services like “Super Nanny” and such, it makes sense why there are so many assholes in this world.  That little girl may grow up to be one.


I work at a pretty big corporate office and there are about 800 parking spaces with several handicapped parking spaces near the entrances, of course.  There is also at least one “Maternity” parking space.  For some reason, this bothers me so much.  I know it’s probably meant for those women who work until the day they go into labor (good for them!), but I just don’t feel it is necessary.

Pregnancy is not a condition or illness or handicap.  Walking is one of the best things you can do when you’re pregnant to stay healthy, have a healthier baby and easier labor.  If there is a reason you cannot walk or cannot walk far, then your doctor should give you a temporary handicap sticker for your car.  There is absolutely no reason to have “Maternity” or “Stork” parking.  Maybe more women would be having easier labors without c-sections and complications if they got off of their lazy, fat, pregnant asses and stopped shoving everything they can into their mouths for nine months and parking in ridiculous spaces to save from having to walk 20 extra feet.

Ok, I’m done my rant 🙂


I’ve been wondering if the old adage that everyone has a calling could possibly be true.  I personally am not a religious person, so I don’t feel a “higher power” telling me to do anything, but I do have a constant nagging feeling that there is something I am meant to do, but I’m just not doing it.  I think many people feel this, but just don’t or can’t act on it. 

I feel that my “calling” is to help people, especially those who are living in poverty in underdeveloped countries.  I would love to work for a relief organization that gets food aid or healthcare aid to those countries, or maybe even a company that gets clean water to rural areas that desperately need it.  Right now, as some of you know, I have an ok job with a good company, but it’s corporate and I just don’t feel satisfied (or challenged for that matter) at all in my current position.  I feel that I have so much more to offer and I’m just not utilizing it. 

If I could create my perfect job, or career, it would be getting vaccines, food or water to people in countries that are affected by money-hungry governments and corporations taking advantage of the small farmers and townspeople that have no choice but to sell their crops for nothing close to what they should be receiving.  There are people in these countries that suffer from diseases that governments and people in the US and other first-world countries care nothing about until these diseases make their way to our people.  Polio, for instance, could be completely eradicated, however the vaccines just do not get to everyone who need them.  Cholera is an epidemic in some countries like Haiti, but because the US government doesn’t have anything to gain from sending vaccines to those countries, they don’t help (same goes for the EU).  If H1N1 hadn’t come to the United States, the government wouldn’t have offered help to Mexico, I’m sure of it.  If you look at the history of the US government helping other countries with either food, vaccines or other aid, it is usually for political reasons, and occasionally to give restitution to a group of people or country that they have wronged in the past.

I could ramble on and on, but my point is that I want to help people in some way, directly.  What is it that you’ve always wanted to do or feel the strong desire to do, but aren’t?  Or are you?

Vegetarian Food Pyramid

I just read this article and realized that it’s a shame that the traditional food pyramid is still being backed, and it’s not because it is a healthier reference for diet, but because the USDA and other federal organizations are so infiltrated with former agriculture representatives (from the cattle, dairy and poultry industries).  This is NOT a reason to endorse a dietary reference chart.  The new vegetarian-alternative chart, The Power Plate, shows how not only is it a meat/dairy-free option, but it IS healthier, especially considering that obesity and other health problems run rampant through the United States.

Check it out…,0,6397356.story

This is a link for the Power Plate…

True Must-See Movies

Everyone has their favorite movies that they consider “classics”, but some movies may convey a certain message or hold significance that make you feel that everyone MUST see this movie.  I feel there are really good movies out there that I really enjoyed, like Avatar, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Silence of the Lambs, Big Daddy, Transformers, Se7en, Bruce Almighty, Lord of the Rings…I could go on and on (and most-likely haven’t mentioned my favorites).  But, there is a difference between a good movie and a movie that you just feel so strongly about that you have to share it.  Movies that leave you thinking or leave you motivated to do something, those are the movies I’m talking about.

American Beauty Poster

I will list a few and you can add some that you feel are “Must-See Movies”…

Ok, now it’s your turn to add some and feel free to add commentary on my choices!

Raising Vegetarian Kids

Mel's Diner. The BEST veggie burger I've ever ...

Image via Wikipedia

NPR: Raising Vegetarian Kids

This was a nice article that showed that it is definitely possible, with some work, to raise vegetarian children.  I do not feed my daughter any meat, however, due to contradicting opinions with her father and other family members, I do not put up too much of a fight if she has meat at his house or someone’s house occasionally.  I’d prefer she didn’t, but she’s getting old enough that she can make her own decisions.  And I think that is the most important thing when raising a child period.  When they are old enough to decide something, let them!

 If my daughter decides she doesn’t want to be a vegetarian, then that is her decision (although, honestly, I would be very disappointed).  I will never buy or serve her meat, but if she decides to eat it at someone else’s house, then that is up to her, she is almost 5 years old and can make small decisions like that.  My main concern is that she is eating as healthy as possible.  I make sure she takes vitamins every day and eats as much healthy food that any kid can handle.

Check out this NPR article…

Rock Climbing

I figured I’d write about something I know for this next post…rock climbing!  I have been climbing for about a little over 10 years (but took 5 off in the middle) and I’m really getting back into it, hopefully hardcore!  I love climbing outside, but for now I climb at gyms like this one:

North Summit Climbing Gym                                   

 Climbing inside is much different than climbing outdoors, but it can be great exercise and a challenge.  Climbing routes (or problems) are ranked on a scale called the Yosemite Decimal System.  This is a way to challenge yourself to climb harder routes and learn difficult moves, but climbing is about patience, so it may take months or years of practice to become a skilled climber.

Climbing is great for kids too!  I have taken my daughter, who is almost 5 and she loves  just climbing and not paying attention to the marked routes.  Anyone can climb and it is not as scary as you may think.  You can boulder, which is just free climbing up to 6′ and this is great practice for skill and strength-building.  If you want to climb to the top, you get harnessed in and a person controls the other end of the rope.  This person is “on belay” and they will take up the slack in the rope as you climb up and if you fall, the almost pulley-like system assures that you don’t fall. 

Here are some great links to learn more about climbing:

Pet Peeves

So, pet peeves, everyone has them, how about we share some!  My main pet peeves are with horrible grammar or using words that are not even words.  I’ll give some examples and then everyone can share some of theirs!!!

  • Your and You’re are different…if it belongs to you, it’s your, if you are saying “you are” then you use “you’re”
  • Irregardless…this is NOT a word, the word you are trying to say is “Regardless”, there is no “ir” in the word
  • Libary…there are 2 r’s in there for a reason, it is “LibRary”, you do need to pronounce that first R, it is not silent
  • Exspecially…there is no X in especially, you do not say “ex” you say “es” pecially
  • Same goes for espresso, no x people!
  • When one goes to orientation, they get oriented, not orientated
  • (last one, promise)…For the love of Pete, please realize that there are 3 ways of saying there: There is when something is “over there” or “there is no reason to be so stupid”, They’re is when you are saying “they are” and Their is when something belongs to someone

Ok, I did not mean for this to turn into a George Costanza-style rant, but these things just annoy the poopy out of me!  Please, share your pet peeves!!!

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