Are you rude?

Many people are busy and I know at times we have so much going on in our heads that we forget common courtesy, however, we always notice if we do not receive a “thank you” or acknowledgment when we do something for someone else.  When someone lets you in front of them while driving or picks up something you dropped, the nicest response is a simple “Thank you!” and if for some reason you are just too busy for that, a polite nod of the head could suffice.

The reason I bring this topic up is because I have held the door at work for a man twice now and neither time he has said “thank you”.  I understand being distracted, once.  Having this happen twice (several weeks apart) is just unacceptable.  And if I hadn’t held it for at least 10 seconds or more, then it wouldn’t have been a big deal, but I had to actually stand there and wait for him, yet he still neglected to utter those two simple words.

I think saying nice things like “thank you” or “you look nice today” or “have a good day” not only make the person to whom you are saying them feel good that you acknowledged them, but it may make you feel good too!

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